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Charity number: 1077161
Company number: 3724349
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Where Are You From? (Community Arts)

Since September we have been working with an incredible group on our Community Play project and we would like to present their hard work in Where Are You From?
The starting point was to create a play that reflects the communities in our area, which has been so shaped by migration, and to bring different generations together.
Over four months, with our facilitators Jess Alade and Ore Olowokere, the Community Play actors have been sharing stories, exchanging ideas and collaborating to create Where Are You From?
Dates and Times: Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd at 8pm, and Sunday 23rd at 5pm
Tickets are free but you are required to book a ticket for entry
Additional Information:
If you have any access requirements, please contact us on 020 7701 0100 or Our theatre space is on the ground floor and is wheelchair accessible but our bar is upstairs and unfortunately is not.
Our bar and our box office open 45 minutes before each show starts.
Please do not be late as we may be unable to admit latecomers.
Covid-safety: We are operating at reduced capacity so there can be more space between audience members and we have recently installed a new ventilation system. It is now necessary by law to wear a mask in the theatre, unless you are exempt. We clean down and disinfect high touch points regularly and hand sanitiser/hand washing facilities are available as soon as you arrive at the theatre.