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Company number: 3724349
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When the Dove Returns

The survivors of a flood have been stuck on a ship for thirty days. As the damage done to their world becomes clear, they have to find a way to rebuild their lives…How much humanity will we sacrifice when our lives are at stake?
This new, ambitious devised piece by Backpack Theatre combines touching observations and outrageous humour in a dynamic, physical piece that is sure to make the audience laugh, gasp and reflect.
Following their debut in 2016, with Bibs, Boats, Borders & B*stards about the refugee crisis, described as a “great first show”, “tear-jerking” and a “call for individuals to take greater responsibility”, Backpack Theatre stages a new call-to-arms piece about the long-term effects of our carelessness.
Contains some nudity. Recommended for ages 16+.