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Charity number: 1077161
Company number: 3724349
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Karen's at her first counselling session. Will her mind let her stay?
This “completely engaging and emotionally intelligent" dance theatre duet explores the mental and physical ‘weight’ of our thoughts and inner voice through raw, physical movement, dark humour, original text and music. The audience are taken on a journey with Karen as she tries to keep her head above water.
"It reveals the fragility of the human condition"
Arts for Health
"a powerful piece of contemporary dance theatre and an emotional rollercoaster that is gripping from start to exquisite duet performed by two very impressive dance artists”
Nadia Strahan, Fringe Review
“Empathetically tactful, gracefully written and exceptionally performed, Weight/Wait is as exquisite as it is heart-wrenching, a welcome conversation on anxiety through dance.”
Hannah Lee, Voice Magazine
Caldonia & Katharine create original stories using movement, theatre and spoken word. They engage directly with audiences by presenting relevant topics with emotionally driven content and by breaking the fourth wall. They create from ideas that spark conversation and find light-hearted ways to provoke responses.
Weight/Wait is supported by Arts Council England, Arts for Health, DanceXchange, Rural Media Company/Random Acts and Spin Arts.
Weight/Wait is now fully booked and we are operating a waiting list. Please call 02077010100 if you would like to be added to it.
Weight/Wait - Production Trailer from caldonia dances on Vimeo.