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there is nothing more public than privacy & The Goddess of Chocolate

Two dance pieces collaboratively investigate the secret lives and intimate spaces of public loneliness.
One research enquiry, two contrasting solos, co-existing in the same space.
A Truefitt Collective in collaboration with artist, Amy Toner, present to you there is nothing more public than privacy and The Goddess of Chocolate. Both choreographers have privately explored an approach towards ‘capturing intimacy’ within the female body. there is nothing more public than privacy tackles questions of public loneliness through a process of visually documenting women in their private and intimate states of being. The Goddess of Chocolate thematically focuses on the historical narratives between the relationship of women and chocolate. Simultaneously the work questions the private and public areas of the body: eating/digesting, inside/outside, covered/uncovered. Together we uncover private aspects of the female role in performance, questioning the private and public areas, inside and outside of the female body.