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Charity number: 1077161
Company number: 3724349
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Residency Opportunities at the Blue Elephant

The Blue Elephant is delighted to be able to offer week-long residencies to two emerging artists/companies. These residencies are for the live performing arts, particularly theatre and dance, to provide research and development time. The offer is:
• 5 days space in Blue Elephant’s Theatre (Monday to Friday, 10am – 5.30pm) for research and development of a new piece. The piece can already be a work in progress or be completely new. These weeks will be in January 2020, ideally Monday 20th – Friday 24th and Monday 27th – Friday 31st.
• £300 bursary towards the expenses of those taking part
• Artistic, marketing, press and fundraising mentoring
• Some technical support and the opportunity to present a showcase in our professional theatre
We are always excited to meet new emerging artists and hear about new work. We also love when artists who have worked at Blue Elephant previously look to come back to develop new ideas because they find the space nurturing and supportive. For these residencies, we have decided that one will go to an artist/company who is completely new to us and one to an artist/company who has done work at BET before.
Please see here for more information and for the application form. Please apply by October 25th.