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Pursuit of Happiness

“How selfish is Happiness? Extremely. That’s why you should pursue it” - India Smith.
Pursuit of Happiness is a patchwork journey into the ‘feminine’, on a quest to achieve personal happiness.
Through mixed media and physical theatre, 3/hers explores the feminine pursuit of happiness as seen in classical texts, contrasting this with what this quest means for women from different socio-economic and cultural backgrounds.
3/hers is a female/nonbinary performance collective focused on the stories and experiences of those who identify with womanhood and the feminine. The residency at Blue Elephant allowed the collective to further develop this piece of work, researching what the pursuit of happiness means to them personally and how other women/people who identify with the female experience have pursued their own happiness. The collective developed a show that evolved from existing material to achieve a more worldly understanding of what happiness means to women, and to reclaim female knowledge and the history of sacrifices that some women have made on the journey to happiness.
Pursuit of Happiness is approximately 30 minutes long and there will be a Q&A afterwards.
Pursuit of Happiness was originally created as a dissertation piece at Rose Bruford College.