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Charity number: 1077161
Company number: 3724349
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Join the Fates for an evening of hilarity in the underworld as Hammer and Tongs Theatre take on the myths of Ancient Greece. Dodge snakes with Medusa’s stylists, chug protein shakes with the goddess of war, and glimpse the dinner-party squabbles on Mount Olympus that really started the Trojan War.
The Greek Myths retold as you’ve never seen them before, accompanied by live music!
Praise for Hammer & Tongs Theatre’s Arabian Nights
‘There are only so many words to say how fabulous this production was. Creative, inventive, witty and original... I was captivated’ - Southwark News
‘One of the best pieces of pure theatre I’ve seen in fifteen years' - Snipe London
***** ‘A great night out. Keep an eye on this bunch’ Remote Goat
**** ‘So funny…the applause didn't stop’ - Views From the Gods
**** ‘I’ve never seen anything quite like this before, and would like to see more of it' - Female Arts

Southwark News