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A Mind's Journey in Search of Destiny

Anwesha Dance Company was established to evolve new choreography from the Manipuri tradition and to bring Manipuri dance to wider notice in the UK and internationally.
A Mind's Journey in Search of Destiny explores the creative genius and the conflicting urges that drive an artist. Tradition, self-doubt and wavering courage rein in the artist from full expression of creativity.
Combining expressions of award-winning choreographer Anwesha's imagination - improvised from classical north-east Indian Manipuri dance - this work infuses tradition with freedom and also the heritage is moulded to modernity, the classical reinterpreted through originality. It is about the move towards self expression and thus combines music, speech, film and new physical language or new movement which is born from Manipuri classical dance, to explore all of these resonances.
This production resonates beyond the uncertainties of a person moving from a valued but traditional society into a more liberal but alien one, to talk to the self-belief and insecurities lying beneath the artistic impulse.
A Mind's Journey in Search of Destiny had an Edinburgh run in August 2009.