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Lewis Peake at Blue Elephant Theatre

In this exhibition by artist Lewis Peake we are presented with a series of alien creatures and futuristic landscapes. The subjects of his environmental paintings, inspired by mechanical shapes and organic forms, are partially obscured by what might be dust, pollution or planetary atmosphere. The two opposing forces, nature and technology also influence these pictures - how they compete and become enmeshed. The way they both clutch at an existence, behave erratically, occupying unexpected places and surviving in compromised states is constantly unnerving.
As well as using traditional media, many of these landscapes began as sketches drawn on his iphone whilst on the London Underground. These are then used as a base layer, painted over and textured using digital media.
Depicted in this recent series of creature sketches, we meet personified animal hybrids with altered physical features. They are moulded out of Earth’s inhabitants but have been tampered with and given warped anatomy. The challenge with these beasts is keeping the familiar animalistic features while also incorporating a sinister alien quality.
The exhibition can be viewed before and after performances of Boy in Darkness, and by appointment during office hours on weekdays. Please call 02077010100 to arrange to see it.