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Company number: 3724349
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Legends: Monsters, Mead & Mayhem

Viking survival guide:
Avoid the elves.
Avoid the dwarves.
Avoid the giants.
Definitely avoid all other humans.
Avoid both underworlds.
Whatever you do, DON’T offend the eagles.
Don’t enter game shows.
Remember cheese sandwiches for the sea monster.
Do not drink ANYTHING. Absolutely anything at all.
If truth be told, being slain in battle is advisable, but only if it’s heroic.
Best of luck
This is a work in progress performance by Hammer & Tongs Theatre who previously presented Arabian Nights and MYTHS at the Blue Elephant.
Praise for Hammer and Tongs' previous work:
"Wittily written and sharply performed...drawing its wry irreverent tone from classic comedy like Monty Python and Douglas Adams’ novels" - Euston Street Diaries (MYTHS)
★★★★"... a fun, fast-paced hour propelled by polished performances from the cast" - Everything Theatre (MYTHS)
★★★★ "So funny…the applause didn't stop" - Views From the Gods (Arabian Nights)