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Hurricane Diaries

Victoria is from Puerto Rico, an island ravaged by a hurricane like none before it. Finding herself in London, she looks back at what it is to be from a place forever changed by violent forces.
As she recalls three major hurricanes that hit the island, this solo show reveals a woman rooted in Latin America, shaped by its history, but living far away from home.
Hurricane Diaries explores the complex relationship an immigrant has with their country of birth, the devastating effects of natural disasters on poverty stricken nations and how colonial regimes affect countries today.
Nuestro pueblo jamás será derrotado, pues generación tras generación parirá héroes y heroínas.
Our country will never be beaten, as generation after generation, we breed heroes.
Pedro Albizu Campos
Hurricane Diaries is written and performed by Amanda Vilanova, a Puerto Rican theatre maker living in London. Her work explores the immigrant experience in the United Kingdom, cultural nostalgia and colonialism.