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Charity number: 1077161
Company number: 3724349
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The Great Easter Bunny Trials

The reigning Easter Bunny has decided to retire - who will take their place?
With all the bunny rabbits after this eggiest of jobs, there's only one thing for it. They must complete a series of trials to see who is most suitable!
A new interactive performance for all the family.
Best suited to ages 3+
Running time: Approx 45 mins
Performances for young people at the Blue Elephant are relaxed with audience members free to leave the space and return as they need to.
Family performances are on Sunday 24th March, Friday 29th Marhc and Saturday 30th March at 11am & 2pm.
School performances are on Wednesday 20th March, Thursday 21st March, Friday 22nd March, Wednesday 27th March and Thursday 28th March at 10.45am and 1.30pm. Limited availability remains!
Supported by Southwark Council’s Culture Together Fund
Quotes from reviews of our Christmas show by our Year 3 Young Reviewers