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Elephant Tips: The Wellbeing Edition

It's January and with it comes the dreaded January blues. It's so hard to keep creative and nurture yourself as an artist at the moment and to look after your wellbeing when things are seemingly bleak. So, we've been on the look-out for some handy bits and pieces to help keep you moving forward. We've collected workshops, events and more to hopefully inspire you to keep those creative juices flowing even if it's in a small way.
Cards for Wellbeing
If you're looking to connect to the environment and take a moment for yourself then South East Dance have created a series of cards for wellbeing produced by dance artist and creative practitioner Anne Colvin, designed to encourage people to enjoy nature, be curious, explore and share ideas through movement and dance. They are available to download here.
Movement Workshops
The Pappy Show have a series of weekly Wednesday workshops which are free and designed to get you moving your body, staying creative and being connected. These are running via zoom with the focus points 'Joy', 'Bravery', Kindness' and are open to anyone regardless of experience. They are available to book here.
A series of opportunities to get crafty. The Curator-Educator is dedicated to developing creative opportunities that are accessible, inclusive, diverse and opens up a vast range of possibilities that can support, further and make the arts, community projects and creative encounters.
She is running craftanoons where you can join her online and craftalong making pompoms, tote bags, scrunchies and more. The perfect excuse to take a creative moment just for fun along with others. You can find out more and join in here.
Joy In Dance
Start the day well. Joy in Dance are encouraging you to start the day with a 5 minute boogy. A fantastic way to kick start your morning and give you an excuse to get out from under the duvet. Join her at 8.45am to dance along. You can find out more and get your groove on here.
Writing Retreats
Writer's HQ are providing super-productive, lockdown-friendly, writing retreats every weekend, Tuesday and Thursday. Time and space to write. No distractions. No excuses. Just writing. They also have a whole host of Coronavirus friendly resources to get you through lockdown and beyond. Everything you need is right here.