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Company number: 3724349
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Desert Dust at The Star of Bethlehem

Developed as part of The Once Upon a Christmas Song Project, Blue Elephant Theatre and The Dot Collective are proud to present an alternative Christmas show, created from the magical stories, music and poetry springing from the dynamic minds of those with dementia.
The Dot Collective creates and provides professional theatre for those living in care, and share their work with the public. Not only do they bring innovative new theatre, but transform everyday spaces with all the aesthetics one would expect when going to the theatre.
Desert Dust at The Star of Bethlehem

Desert Dust at The Star of Bethlehem is a new play by Alexander Moschos (Brainville at Night, Found In Translation) directed by Dan Ayling (The Print Room, Hampstead Theatre, Arcola and regular Associate Director for Katie Mitchell). Presented by The Dot Collective’s latest project: Once Upon A Christmas Song, It has been written in response to ideas of participants we met during a series of theatrical workshops who live with dementia.
The night before Christmas, two siblings discover a homeless couple hiding in their pub and endeavour to keep their secret. Fusing sensory elements of live music, puppetry, immersive design elements and audience interaction, an ensemble of four professional actor/musicians will bring the spirit of Christmas alive. Join us as the three wise birds take us on a Christmas journey through the story of The Star of Bethlehem one night of Christmas Eve.
This project is truly a collaboration between the many minds met during the workshops, the playwright, director, designer and entire creative team.
Suitable for all ages

Breaking the Fourth Wall