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Charity number: 1077161
Company number: 3724349
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Community Play

Blue Elephant Theatre is delighted to be running a Community Play project and we want YOU to join us!
Our starting point is the idea of London child/migrant parents (or grandparents...or great-grandparents...). We are looking to create a community play that reflects the communities in our area, which has been so shaped by migration, and brings different generations together.
We hope to bring adults and teenagers together to take part in drama activities, share stories and create your own play which will be performed publicly at the Blue Elephant in January. If you have ever wanted to try performing and creating in fun, supportive and collaborative workshops, this is a perfect opportunity. It is a chance to build confidence, meet new people and get on stage!
We are looking to bring together members of the community from all walks of life, everyone over the age of 16 is welcome. Our theatre space is wheelchair accessible with an accessible toilet.
Starting on 27th September 2021, the group will meet on Monday evenings from 7pm - 9pm until January 2022 when the performances will be held from the 14th - 16th.
Please sign up by calling 02077010100 or emailing