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Charity number: 1077161
Company number: 3724349
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After embarking on digital arts offerings over the last year, Blue Elephant Theatre is excited to announce its Christmas filmed show, The Story of Little Snow. This story is about a Pixie whose job it is to instigate spring by planting Snow Drops. However, our Pixie has other plans and wants to discover the roles of various magical creatures, including Santa’s elves! This short piece will also serve as exploratory work to inform a face to face family production which is tentatively planned for early next year, government guidelines permitting. It is aimed at ages 4+.
Application Deadline: 22nd November
Online Auditions: 25th November
Rehearsal: Tuesday December 1st
Filming Day: Wednesday December 2nd (possibly Friday 4th)
Total Payment: £300 (£150 per day)
Rehearsals and filming will take place at Blue Elephant Theatre and will be carried out with Covid-secure measures in place. The actor will be sent a copy of our Covid Risk Assessment in advance.
Casting Breakdown:
Little Snow - A little immature but with the capacity to become less so. Feeling lonely, bored and disenfranchised and desperately wanting friends and an exciting colourful life.
This is a one person play and so the actor may multi-role to portray the other magical creatures who have unique personalities.
Movement and vocal skills are essential for this role; the actor should be comfortable singing and dancing. Character work, slap stick and comic timing will also be important. Ideal applicants will have considerable experience of children’s theatre as well as some experience of playing to a camera.
We seek to represent our local community in our casting, being based in a multi-cultural and working-class area, and particularly welcome applications from those who are under-represented in the arts.
This role is open to all genders.
How to apply:
Please apply by emailing by end of day on Sunday 22nd November with a link to relevant work/Spotlight/Mandy and a little bit about your experience. It would be helpful if you could indicate if you have had a DBS check within the last three years and if you could fill out our monitoring form which can be downloaded from here
We will be holding auditions via Zoom. A link will be sent to shortlisted candidates.
For more information about Blue Elephant Theatre, please visit our website Please email Niamh at if you have any further questions.