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The Break-Up Monologues

Award-winning comedian and Radio 4 regular Rosie Wilby hosts this themed comedy, storytelling and spoken word night. Rosie is joined onstage by fellow performers Sophia Blackwell, VG Lee and Paula Varjack to look back at their best and worst relationship breakup stories. Tragedy plus time equals comedy, right?
Rosie Wilby's nonfiction book Is Monogamy Dead? is out in 2017 (Accent Press) following a trilogy of shows investigating love and relationships. The Conscious Uncoupling was the final part of this trilogy and was programmed for Southbank Centre Festival of Love 2016 and shortlisted for Funny Women Best Show 2016.
Sophia Blackwell's acclaimed new poetry collection The Fire Eater's Lover is available via Burning Eye Books. She has been described as 'dirty, juicy, knowing and open' by Stella Duffy.
VG Lee's fifth novel Mr Oliver's Object Of Desire is out now. She started performing comedy in her sixties and is a regular favourite at Paul Burston's Polari salon.
Paula Varjack's Letters I Never Sent To You, also published by Burning Eye, has been described as a 'stunning collection of snapshots, memoir and poetry, deeply personal, vulnerable and frank' by Salena Godden.
This event is supported by Southwark LGBT network and will be recorded for a highlights broadcast on Resonance FM.
The Breakup Monologues was first commissioned by Bradford Literature Festival.