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Tuesday 2 March 2010

A showcase of excerpts and short works-in-progress of new material from London's most exciting artists. Physical theatre, clowning, storytelling, dance: a Blue Elephant season in one evening!


Set in a typical London street scene where a dancer, a BMX rider and a busker engage in a humorous battle. This is a cocktail of physical prowess and explosive movement: a grotesque take on an everyday life situation and a tongue-in-cheek attempt to involve the audience in a quirky and daring performance.

  • Choreography: Etta Ermini
  • Cast: Sam Alty (music), Salvador Brown (BMX), Antoine Marc (dance)

The Man Who Wasn't There When a person is alone they remember, rightly or wrongly, the things that have happened in their life from their own point of view. These things become distorted over time when they are repeated over and over and re-remembered slightly differently each time. Using circus skills and puppetry, The Man Who Wasn't There deals with the ideas of memory and loneliness.

The Bell Jar

Award-winning Theatre Ad Infinitum cracks open The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath’s tale of a tormented woman whose search for identity becomes a descent into madness. One woman uses the rich nuances of her unique voice and a distilled style of physical performance to weave together this story of pain, beauty and unceasing internal conflict. Lecoq-trained Ad Infinitum experiments with a fusion of physical theatre, classical storytelling and a completely original score, giving an unforgettable form to this poetic waltz with death. "Theatre Ad Infinitum have moved to the front of the pack, their vivid mix of theatre clowning and storytelling gaining them critical acclaim" The Guardian

Kassia: The Love Story of a Byzantine Abbess

Monooka (Shadow Theatre Performance) "Love is the bittershadowed pomegranate that flowers in a woman’s soul, watered by faith, nourished by poetry. It bears fruit, and weeps tears of blood red music. Where the Bosphorus runs red with its sweet, sweet juice, the stars burn in the city’s waters and its gardens sing forth fruit. And the shadow of that woman, whose name is Kassia, chanted through time, exults."
  • Storyteller/director: Leon Conrad

Danger Waters

…somebody went to fetch water and when she was about to enter the house the pot broke. Danger Waters is a new exploration of ideas, performed by Rachel Drazek and directed by Rachel Bagshaw. Driven by the uncertainties which face pregnant women across the globe, the piece highlights some of the needless risks and preventable fears many women face simply for being women; breeding women. Inspired by personal support for the charity the White Ribbon Alliance, Danger Waters hopes to bring humanity and heart to these stories of our partly forgotten mothers: those lost, unlikely and expectant. The White Ribbon Alliance


Florencia Guerberof "…I want no secrets, no spiritual condition, nothing ineffable; I am neither a virgin nor a priest, to play at having an inner life. " Jean-Paul Sartre