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The Sunflower and Behind Closed Doors

by Lamb|da and Lo Commotion

Thursday 11 December 2008 - Saturday 13 December 2008

The Sunflower

by Lamb|da

  • Choreographer: Clare Thurman
  • Poet: Nathan Thomas

The Sunflower is a duet between choreographer Clare Thurman and poet Nathan Thomas, weaving together fragments of intimate, personal narrative to explore what happens when two people try to communicate with each other. The piece seamlessly blends words and movement, creating a spellbinding meditation on the human conversation: absence and presence, closeness and distance, and everything in between.

Behind Closed Doors

by Lo Commotion

  • Choreographer: Jo Meredith
  • Cast: David Cameroni, Katherine Kingston, Caroline Lynn, Franscesco Mangiacasale, Jo Meredith, Ted Sikstrom

Set in the aftermath of World War Two during an engagement party, 'Behind Closed Doors' explores the relationship of two returning soldiers.

Lo Commotion's young and vibrant dancers perform this narrative work to the atmospheric and romantic music of Rachmaninoff, Cole Porter and Jerome Kern.

Post-performance discussion chaired by Sean Bruno


"For dance audiences it [the Blue Elephant] can be an intense experience - especially if you're used to studying abstract geometry from the heights of the upper circle. These are real, powerful, bodies, right in front of you, complete with flesh, discernible faces and flying beads of sweat."