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Company number: 3724349

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Past programme

Showcases an eclectic range of fresh and interesting contemporary work, largely by emerging

Behind the Mirror

“An exhilarating piece of theatre” Metro ★★★★

Tuesday 23 October 2007 - Saturday 10 November 2007

Man loves Woman, Woman loves Man - but Man has a mirror image, hell-bent on ruining everything…

A fast, comic and touching love story - without words.

Behind the Mirror had an Edinburgh run in August 2008 and was nominated for a Total Theatre Award.

Theatre Adinfinitum website

Theatre Ad Infinitum became an associate company at The Bush Theatre earlier this year.

Directed and conceived by
George Mann (Best Solo Performer for "The Odyssey", The Stage Awards for Acting Excellence 2009)
Devised & performed by
George Mann, Deborah Pugh & James Turpin
Photo by
Adeline Ishiomin


"The Lecoq-trained mime ensemble Theatre ad Infinitum have moved to the front of the pack, their vivid mix of theatre, clowning and storytelling gaining them critical acclaim as well as a Fringe Best award for Behind The Mirror" The Guardian

Uncle Barry

by Grey Light Productions

"Every man has a potential moustache. It's just that I've embraced the potential"

A new comedy by Cameron Mackintosh Award-winning writer Sam Thomas

Tuesday 2 October 2007 - Saturday 20 October 2007
Supported by
Unity Theatre Trust

Barry is unemployed & angry at the goings-on at the Neighbourhood Watch. This time he thinks he has the answer. Barry has decided to set up his own state. In a pathetic attempt at living-room nation-building, Barry enlists the help of his best friend Mickey and his nephew Pecks, who is brought in to oversee matters of national security. With no idea what they're doing, and no future thought beyond the opening ceremony, this three-man attempt at democracy results in flags being made, anthems being sung and life-long friendships being tested…

"We - Michael Jeremy Davis and Barry NoMiddleName Parfitt - I'm not going to tell you what will happen. But what I will say is this: I've hired a heavy"

Directed by
Georgina Guy
Designed by
Hilary Statts
Lighting by
Martin Ellsmore
Lee Bane, Philip Brook, Audrey Leybourne & Matthew Ward


"Well-crafted study in male incompetence" The Stage

Shall I Kill Mama

by Marysal Productions

A bitter-sweet comedy by Trevor Thomas

Tuesday 11 September 2007 - Saturday 29 September 2007
Post show discussions
Chaired by psychotherapist Jadzia Kopiel

- I’m dying Bunter. Just a matter of when.
- What makes you think God’s ready for you yet?
- He’s ready. Told Him I’m coming.
- You told God?
- Yep, and He told me to call you.

Mama may be frail but she’s also feisty. Who will win this mother of all battles?

"A Mama wants to die. She needs her son’s help. He should help, plain and simple. It’s his duty. What’s all this about motivation? I wanted a son, I get Hamlet…"

Trevor Thomas
Anton Phillips
Paul Micah
Lavern Archer & Victor Romero Evans


"Thomas provides a well-wrought drama; Archer crowns it with a star turn"

Tea is Essential at Afternoon Meetings

by Team
Friday 13 July 2007 - Friday 17 August 2007

"The innovative design group Team" The Guardian

A selection of self-initiated projects including:

A proposal to the British Wind Energy Association to establish the image of wind-farms as a quintessential part of the British countryside;

An advertising campaign called 'Boycott Oxfam';

A soundtrack for the east of England;

A series of products that answer needs generated around the cigarette break phenomenon;

The Vending Machine Project: a vending machine that makes you consider whether it should be your responsibility to put the good of society above your own interests.


Writers At Work


Rehearsed readings by the writers and directors of tomorrow

Tuesday 3 July 2007 - Saturday 7 July 2007

Werfel Vs Odets

  • Writer: Michaela Ronzini
  • Translator: Penny Black
  • Director: Christopher Gutmann
  • Cast: Saul Reichlin & Tom Sykes
    • Los Angeles 1943: Franz Werfel has written a play based on his personal experiences in exile from the ever increasing expansion of the Nazis. The United States Theatre Guild brings in former leading New York playwright Clifford Odets to give the play a 'make-over' to appeal to American audiences. In this fictional account of an actual event, who will win this battle for Broadway?

      Good Hands

      • Writer: Emily Hunka
      • Director: Emma Hewitt
      • Cast: Sian Breckin, Laura Glover, Gareth Richardson, Simon Ryerson, Alex Watson, Fiona Whitelaw & Ben Wigzell

      A child is taken away from its family. Better off? Or in some imaginable danger in the hands of people that think they know best?

      A look at the intricacies of family relationships, how children are cared for and when things are taken too far.

      God Explodes Laughing

      • Writer: Dorit Makleff
      • Director: Ellie Joseph
      • Cast: Matthew Delgaram-Nejad , Leanne Hall, Jessica Knight, Sam Lester, Robert Pearce & Julie Sandiford

      Part love story, part dreamlike soul-searching, God Explodes Laughing invites us to consider free will versus predestination through the lives of Udi, an Israeli photographer who lost his legs as a young soldier, and Lora, a British news reporter who travels the world telling other people’s stories instead of living her own.

      The Defence

      • Writer: Duncan Gates
      • Director: Serena B Robins

      A young man is accused of killing a police officer, but after the dust has settled, who is really on trial? A play about love, evil, innocence and belief, where accusation is easy and defence is the hard part.

      Experiments with Chai

      • Writer/Director: Serena B Robins

      A group of friends reunite after ten years and discover how differently their lives have changed. What painful secrets are shared over a cup of 'Chai'? And what courageous choices have to be made?


Not Knowing Who We Are

by The Ugly Tree

Tuesday 12 June 2007 - Saturday 30 June 2007

A man sets out to learn the art of conversation. A girl sets out to find her father. A mother has a box with two keys. Kevin has a spare room and a photograph no-one wants to see…

Preoccupied with books and photographs and talking only to himself and his imaginary wife, a man sets out to learn the art of conversation. He stumbles upon relationships built on lies and deceit where his odd behaviour gives rise to prejudice and accusations. When his brother comes to the rescue, truths emerge and a claustrophobic world is broken apart.

Maggie Drury
Toria Banks
Chris Gylee
Lighting Designer
Natalie Jones
Raymond Coker, Richard De Lisle, Mark Jeary, Richard Roberts, Nina Smith & Liv Spencer


"An intriguing piece of theatre" Time Out

Everything Is Different

by Aranea

Thursday 31 May 2007 - Saturday 2 June 2007
Supported by
Camberwell Arts

In 1929, Hungarian author Frigyes Karinthy published a volume of short stories entitled Everything is Different. Inspired by the tale Chains or Chain-Links - where the characters believed that any two individuals could be connected through at most five acquaintances - this evening of music, dance & visual art looks at the simple connections we make in everyday life, magnifying these points to find beauty in the details.

Aranea (with music by Lucy Forde and choreography by Charlotte Spencer), green bean dance & MIKS
Sekgura (Ghanaian percussion), Misirlou (contemporary Arabic) & Outhouse (jazz)
Fine art
Massie Kendal

35 Cents

by Crying in the Wilderness Productions

A Political Satire Written & Directed by Paul Anthony Morris (Winner of the 2009 Adopt a Playwright Award)

Tuesday 8 May 2007 - Saturday 26 May 2007
Supported by
Arts Council England

It's election time on the romantic Caribbean island of Jamaica. The campaign has, however, been completely overwhelmed by extreme apathy & disillusionment.

Fatigued by the ever increasing levels of poverty, debt & corruption, a new student organization called the 'No Confidence Movement' emerges in an attempt to lead the electorate on a national boycott of the general elections. With various bilateral and multinational interests now at stake, a US-led military invasion is initiated to neutralize growing support for the boycott. It is from within this cauldron that the students of the 'No Confidence Movement' take us on a frenetic journey that will ultimately determine the political future of their island .

Clary Salandy
Lighting Designer
Giuseppe di Iorio
Carol Mae Whittick
Julie Hewlett, Irma Inniss, Vinta Morgan, Anthony Ofoegbu & Mo Sesay


‘Fluid, fast-and-loose theatre, that asks questions none of us can avoid: are power & principle mutually exclusive?’ Time Out

Springheeled Two


Dance & multi-media works that engage, entertain and inspire…

Thursday 3 May 2007 - Saturday 5 May 2007

Fish in a Bowl/Anthony Kurt:

AB sens 2

Iisa Ilona Jäntti

Ditto (interdisciplinary circus work)

Levantes Dance Theatre/Eleni Edipidi

(Winner of the Oxford Samuel Beckett Theatre Trust Award 2009)
Gin & Satsumas (a dance theatre piece)

Etta Ermini Dance Theatre:

Archetypical Encounter of the Third Kind (physical theatre)

Rosalind Noctor & Martha Moopette:

Hedgehogs & Honeybeads (dance film)

Cathy Seago & Dancers:

How We Know We Are Here: Part 1 Cupp for Three (multimedia work)


The Inhabitants of the Moon are Noses & Diary of a Madman

by In Extremis & Stepping Out in association with Group Z

Tuesday 3 April 2007 - Sunday 29 April 2007

Do noses really live on the moon?

The Inhabitants of the Moon are Noses/Diary of a Madman explores the thin line between imagination & madness, with a double-bill of Nikolai Gogol’s dark, hilarious masterpiece & Steve Hennessy’s new play about Gogol’s life.

Director/Lighting Designer
Andy Burden
Peter Liddiard
Penn O'Gara
Martin Aukland & Julia Gwynne (The Inhabitants of the Moon are Noses), Sebastian Steiger (Diary of a Madman)


‘Hennessy’s use of madcap farce and the poetic quality of his language makes for an intriguing piece, as riveting and baffling as its subject matter’ The Stage


by Merco Productions

Tuesday 13 March 2007 - Saturday 31 March 2007
Post-show discussion
Led by Professor Jean Stubbs [Director - Caribbean Studies Centre/ London Metropolitan University]

An island nobody ever leaves, the Bermuda Triangle, something like that.

Cuban-American writer Jesse Quinones charts a day in the life of a slum estate in Havana .

Cuba: a tropical idyll where the sun never sets, or a stifling prison where the days never end?

David Mercatali
Wendy Uren
Lighting design
Jason Kirk
Geoff Aymer, George Couyas, Olayinka Giwa, Scarlett Perdereau & Vineeta Rishi


"An affecting snapshot of life in the final days of Castro's Cuba" Time Out

Tales from Mumbai


Tuesday 5 December 2006 - Saturday 23 December 2006

An acrobatic production with an all-male cast with tales exploring metro-sexuality & the need for spirituality and hope in the harsh tough world of Mumbai.

Serena B. Robins
Elves n Elements
Lighting designer
Jason Kirk
Cristian Cardenas, Jatinder Chera, Christopher Gutmann, Shazad Iqbal & Imran Mirza


"A truly original evening" Catalyst

22 Death Scenes

by Jumbled

An exploration of how popular culture invades our real life stories.

Tuesday 7 November 2006 - Saturday 11 November 2006

Jumbled look to harness the power of autobiographical material and direct address, and explore placing this in the context of richer visual and theatrical worlds. Through ongoing collaboration with sound-maker Nick Gill, Jumbled closely links live sound with action, to create a multi-layered experience.

We don't want to die but we know people who have. We'd fight for you, we'd lie for you, you know it's true, everything we do we do it for you. Before your very eyes, Jumbled will die not once, not twice, but 22 times. Watch us as we meet our ends simply, quietly, loudly, gloriously, haltingly, beautifully.

Listen as we tell you about the scenes we wished we had seen, and play you the music we wished we had heard. Sob as we breathe our last breath, scream as we are mercilessly butchered, gasp as we escape unscathed only to be gunned down at the last minute.

Performed and devised by
Lucy Foster, Nick Gill, Kirsty Lothian & Mike Tweddle
Lighting & sound by
Robert Wells

Angels Don't Dance

by NEFELI productions

Tuesday 17 October 2006 - Saturday 4 November 2006

In the psychiatric unit of a large urban hospital, Dr Jones conducts a first interview with Jamie:

"Am I broken?"
"I think you are"
"You see the cracks?"

But things are not so straightforward. Unseen to Jones, Jamie is shadowed by Angella, a second personality you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy…

A practising psychiatrist, Brockman’s play is based on true accounts. His work was included in the Samuel French Best Short Plays of 2001 & 2005.

Mirra Bank
Set Designer
Jamie Warner
Lighting Designer
Giuliano Bocca
Sound Designer
Timothy Gill
Costume Designer
Natasha Ward
Lucy Aitken, Will Chitty, Juliet Oldfield, Christian Olliver & Iris Veneti


"Richard Brockman's play contains moments of sheer brilliance, insight and imagination when dealing with Jamie's story. There are episodes of self-discovery that quite rightly deserve him the title of psychopoetic writer, with beautifully crafted denouement and well chosen metaphors" The Stage

Hazmat & Me

by Demonstrate

Tuesday 3 October 2006 - Saturday 14 October 2006

Just after the end of the world, a lonely survivor clings on to better times with a bicycle-powered reading lamp and a dusty old gramophone. He's fed up, he's had enough and he's ready to die.

So it's a shame that his friend Hazmat, an eight-foot radiation suit with a penchant for mischief, is having none of it. Hazmat has a different take on the man's past and won't let him go before he's made to face the truth…

Original score performed live by
Anton Maiof
Devised by
Richard Kingdom, Matt Hill & Ged Matthews
Matt Hill & Ed Birch


"A charmingly quirky (and heart-warming) platonic love story. Both actors are adept at balancing humour with pathos, and succeed in communication a huge amount with a very minimalist script"