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Company number: 3724349

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Past programme

Showcases an eclectic range of fresh and interesting contemporary work, largely by emerging

Nobody's Home

A Modern Odyssey by Theatre Temoin

Tuesday 16 March 2010 - Saturday 20 March 2010

Turbulent storms and fantastical monsters stalk Ulysses at every port; what should be a joyous voyage — his homecoming — becomes a nightmare more torturous than the war he is returning from.

A modern and highly physical retelling of The Odyssey,painting a dreamscape of post-war trauma through the story of a combat veteran fighting a psychological battle to get “home.”

Nobodies Home’ had a run at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August 2011.

Directed by
Ailin Conant
Photograph by
Jet Sun
Dorie Kinnear & Will Pinchin


'A hugely inventive and compelling piece, which both entertains and shows the true horrors of war.'
Thom Dibdin

The Stage

'Breathtaking...Great imagination...magical...touching and deep.' Fleur Poad

Fringe Report


Writers at Work


Rehearsed readings by the writers and directors of tomorrow

Tuesday 9 March 2010

  • 74a Station Road

    by Andy Brunskill

    Tough Theatre Company

    Frank, Pete, Amy and Aidan share a flat. Aidan rules the house with bullying and macho bravura. What starts out as a practical joke on Frank escalates into something a lot worse, taking a violent turn. Frank begins to lose his grip on reality. Aidan feels his power slipping. Things get messy.

    A dark new play exploring the violence underneath how people relate in a close environment.




Tuesday 2 March 2010

A showcase of excerpts and short works-in-progress of new material from London's most exciting artists. Physical theatre, clowning, storytelling, dance: a Blue Elephant season in one evening!


Set in a typical London street scene where a dancer, a BMX rider and a busker engage in a humorous battle. This is a cocktail of physical prowess and explosive movement: a grotesque take on an everyday life situation and a tongue-in-cheek attempt to involve the audience in a quirky and daring performance.

  • Choreography: Etta Ermini
  • Cast: Sam Alty (music), Salvador Brown (BMX), Antoine Marc (dance)

The Man Who Wasn't There When a person is alone they remember, rightly or wrongly, the things that have happened in their life from their own point of view. These things become distorted over time when they are repeated over and over and re-remembered slightly differently each time. Using circus skills and puppetry, The Man Who Wasn't There deals with the ideas of memory and loneliness.

The Bell Jar

Award-winning Theatre Ad Infinitum cracks open The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath’s tale of a tormented woman whose search for identity becomes a descent into madness. One woman uses the rich nuances of her unique voice and a distilled style of physical performance to weave together this story of pain, beauty and unceasing internal conflict. Lecoq-trained Ad Infinitum experiments with a fusion of physical theatre, classical storytelling and a completely original score, giving an unforgettable form to this poetic waltz with death. "Theatre Ad Infinitum have moved to the front of the pack, their vivid mix of theatre clowning and storytelling gaining them critical acclaim" The Guardian

Kassia: The Love Story of a Byzantine Abbess

Monooka (Shadow Theatre Performance) "Love is the bittershadowed pomegranate that flowers in a woman’s soul, watered by faith, nourished by poetry. It bears fruit, and weeps tears of blood red music. Where the Bosphorus runs red with its sweet, sweet juice, the stars burn in the city’s waters and its gardens sing forth fruit. And the shadow of that woman, whose name is Kassia, chanted through time, exults."
  • Storyteller/director: Leon Conrad

Danger Waters

…somebody went to fetch water and when she was about to enter the house the pot broke. Danger Waters is a new exploration of ideas, performed by Rachel Drazek and directed by Rachel Bagshaw. Driven by the uncertainties which face pregnant women across the globe, the piece highlights some of the needless risks and preventable fears many women face simply for being women; breeding women. Inspired by personal support for the charity the White Ribbon Alliance, Danger Waters hopes to bring humanity and heart to these stories of our partly forgotten mothers: those lost, unlikely and expectant. The White Ribbon Alliance


Florencia Guerberof "…I want no secrets, no spiritual condition, nothing ineffable; I am neither a virgin nor a priest, to play at having an inner life. " Jean-Paul Sartre


by Molina Dance Theatre

Thursday 25 February 2010 - Saturday 27 February 2010
Part-funded by
the Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano, Alto Adige, Italy

A dynamic performance intertwining dance, live singing and physical theatre to depict the dramatic yet highly human experience of living with schizophrenia.

As there is so little information - and so many misconceptions - about this mental condition, the show hopes to promote a better understanding of the main traits of schizophrenia and to raise public awareness of people’s struggle with the condition.

Elena Molinaro
Laura Brera, Chiara De Palo, Krista Vuori, Paris Wade
Tomas Liriel
Text by
Debbie Kent, Elena Molinaro and Charlie Meyrick


"For dance audiences it [the Blue Elephant] can be an intense experience - especially if you're used to studying abstract geometry from the heights of the upper circle. These are real, powerful, bodies, right in front of you, complete with flesh, discernible faces and flying beads of sweat."

Drive-Thru Nativity

by Andrew Morton

Tuesday 1 December 2009 - Saturday 19 December 2009

Burgers. French-fries. Milkshakes. Baby Jesus?

A combination of out of work actors and zealous Christians gather in the parking lot of a Mega Church to tell the greatest story ever told in the way Americans like best: fast and convenient. Are they revolutionary, or seriously misguided?

Drive-Thru Nativity asks whether there are some things worth getting out of your car for.

Andrew Morton
Directed by
Aaron Paterson
Set Design by
Kasper Hansen
Costume Design by
Emily Stuart (Winner, The Offie Best Costume Designer 2010)
Supported by
Christian Arts Trust, The Goldsmiths' Company and Fenton Arts Trust
Laurence Saywood, Rachel Drazek, Chris Skinner, Lucy Carson, Jai Vethamony, Andrew Root & Caleb Rotach.

Soft Cuts

Thursday 26 November 2009 - Saturday 28 November 2009

A performance platform for professional emerging artists, set up by choreographers Maria Korsnes and Hagit Yakira, with a varied programme of works ranging from contemporary dance, physical theatre, art installations, music and visuals.


"For dance audiences it [the Blue Elephant] can be an intense experience - especially if you're used to studying abstract geometry from the heights of the upper circle. These are real, powerful, bodies, right in front of you, complete with flesh, discernible faces and flying beads of sweat."

God Cried Woof

by Sebastian Rex Dance Group (Sebastian Rex was awarded a Peggy Ramsey Foundation grant in 2010)

Tuesday 10 November 2009 - Saturday 21 November 2009

"We believed in beauty; we believed in truth; we had morals and we had standards. Nothing. We have nothing! And perhaps that’s the way it should be. Perhaps all this ‘emoting’ distracts us from the truth of the matter – which is that we’re only meant to wait to die."

A daring piece examining our disillusion with things we’ve loved, wanted, believed in and hoped for: the sobering up from our values and faiths. Presenting audiences with a nihilistic world of disenchantment, the work is inspired by and choreographed to Beethoven’s 3rd Symphony in its entirety.

Lisa Bender, Holly Blakey, Kate Chisholm, Aimee Craft, Lisette Foster, Christopher Hall, Sarah Luscombe, Natalia Ould, Naomi Reynolds & Rebecca Sewell


"For dance audiences it [the Blue Elephant] can be an intense experience - especially if you're used to studying abstract geometry from the heights of the upper circle. These are real, powerful, bodies, right in front of you, complete with flesh, discernible faces and flying beads of sweat."
‘Sebastian Rex and company create an evening that engages the senses and coaxes the mind into the fray. Visually equating sex, power, subjugation, joy and despair as equal parts of being human, the company exudes a raw, youthful energy and defiance’ EXTRA! EXTRA!

Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

Tuesday 13 October 2009 - Saturday 7 November 2009

Lazarus presents Shakespeare’s political and bloody thriller set in modern day Italy where sex, lust and passion rule a dictatorship destined for disaster. Corruption, sex and violence drive Caesar, the supreme power force, to lose sight of those closest to him who finally lead to his undoing and the ultimate betrayal. Through the use of text, movement and music, the large ensemble recreates Italian life, fashion and glory at the centre of populist government in a modern, slick and sexual adaptation.

Directed by
Ricky Dukes
Movement direction by
Tim McFarland & Ricky Dukes
Music by
Sebastian Willan
Lighting design by
Heather Doole
Sound design by
Liam Welton
Sophie Ash, Errol Clayton, Christopher Eastwood, Jamie Hannon, Robin Holden, Elana Martin, Trevor Murphy, Lukas Raphael, Steven Rodgers, Andrew Root, Kyle Ross, Lars Van Riesen, Matthew Wade and Anna-Marlene Wirtz


‘A very interesting and valid production, reduced to the essence of the narrative and presented in a slick and sensitive way’

Images of Italy

Photographs of Rome by Tina Engstrom
Tuesday 13 October 2009 - Saturday 7 November 2009

The title of the drama about Ante is written here

by Ivor Martinic

English language world premiere

Tuesday 22 September 2009 - Saturday 10 October 2009

1,280 children were wounded during the Croatian War of Independence. Written in a playfully dramatic style and based on a true story, The title of the drama About Ante is Written Here tells of one such child.

Ante turns twelve today. Less than a year old when a missile killed his mother, can he grow up to forget the past or will his country's history scar him forever?

Ljubica: Ante lives with his father. They have this strong bond.

Neighbour: Happy together, sad together. They live together one day at a time. No one new ever enters their little world.

Jela: Till one day.

Neighbour: Till today.

The title of the drama about Ante is Written Here was the winner of the Fabrique en Croatie Award from REZ, the Croatian association for the promotion of culture and art, and its author was the youngest recipient of the Marin Drzic Award from the Croatian Ministry of Culture in 2005.

Directed by
Rebecca Tortora
Costume design
Clio Brown
Lighting Design
Pablo Fernandez Baz
Sound Design
Dinah Mullen
Naomi Bullock, Marko Cindric, Maggie Daniels, Nadja Mitidiero & Daniel Simpson


‘Original, sharp and charming’

Walk On By

by Rea Brčić
Tuesday 22 September 2009 - Saturday 10 October 2009

Places, films, music, love, sadness…

Portraits and pictures of urban areas all linked to a dear memory or an event imprinted deep in the artist's psyche.

Witnessing life go by, she captures - on camera or paper - situations that are given new dimension in her mind, and creates images of a world she would like to live in, along with her place in it.


The Sound

By Merco Productions

Tuesday 16 June 2009 - Saturday 11 July 2009

In an army barracks somewhere in remotest Europe, five people spend all day, every day, guarding a spot. They know nothing else. But as they each become convinced that they can hear a sound coming from somewhere near the barracks, their rigid, routine-filled lives slowly begin to fall apart.

The Sound is a searching examination of existence and fear.

Written by
David Mercatali
Directed by
Sebastian Rex (Awarded a Peggy Ramsey Foundation grant in 2010)
General Management By
Supporting Wall
Claire Winfield
Lighting Designer
Sam Smallman
Alistair Brooks, Alexander Gatehouse, Robin Kirwan, James Scott & Emily Sills


"New writer David Mercatali is clearly one to watch" - Time Out

Imagined Landscapes

By Bruno Hofferer
Tuesday 16 June 2009 - Saturday 11 July 2009

A selection of portraits and landscapes. The landscape scenes are strange and enigmatic: trees and pathways draw the viewer into the distance, leading them - who knows where?

Hofferer’s portraits are created from photographic sources. These faces are strong and powerful: more than just ‘personalities’.


Catharsis / Short Cut(s)

Thursday 11 June 2009 - Saturday 13 June 2009

Sweet or Sour is the brainchild of performance maker and writer Tonny A. Specializing in contemporary performance as well as in experimental theatre, the company is passionately committed to delivering challenging collaborative or solo work that crosses over various art forms (from poetry to physical theatre to dance improvisation to multimedia) to revisit obscure or neglected historical eras and analyze the impact of history on individuals' reality, identity and physicality.


"I want the water to wash over me
Wash it all over me
So that I can begin again
Wash away all my sins…
So that I can swim,
So that I can burn
So that I can crash again"

Catharsis depicts the personal quest of a disgraced man for his rebirth through a series of choreographed rituals and visual confessions. Blending live projections and introspective movements with ambiguous written and spoken words, this performance art piece explores the themes of redemption while tackling the sensitive subject of self-esteem.

  • Conceived, devised and performed by Tonny A.
  • Photography by Sonalle
  • Illustrations by Daishu Ma
  • Sound Design by Nela Brown

Short Cut(s)

"L'enfer, c'est les autres" Jean-Paul Sartre

Short Cut(s)is a performance installation inspired by the ancient Greek and medieval theories of the Classical Elements. Referring to R. Altman’s film, Short Cuts, this experimental piece re-interprets some of D.H Lawrence’s existentialist poems through movement, spoken words and multimedia to explore the feelings of isolation, resistance and the constant fear of alienation experienced by five lost souls condemned to wander eternally in the Abyss. A cinematic episode rooted in an intense fusion of reflective soundtrack and improvised series of constrained physical imagery with surreal visual projections.

  • Performed by Aysegul Asan Murphy, Patric Deony, Jay Nelson, Luke Putres & Bronwen Sharp
  • Conceived and directed by Tonny A.
  • Sound Design by Nela Brown
  • Visual, lighting & costume design by Tonny A., Nicola Maddox & Daishu Ma

Daishu’s work has been linked with poetry, short stories, folk tales and performance art. Her illustrations explore the languages of story telling through constructing theatrical imagery that weaves together complex narratives, moods and human emotions. A graduate from Central St Martin’s she is currently working with projects in London and China.

Sonalle travelled alone for almost ten years through Europe, Asia and Latin America observing and participating in the kaleidoscope of cultures and sights she encountered. She has worked alongside numerous successful photographers in New York and Paris, coupled with developing several diverse photographic projects in selected cities worldwide. Since her recent return to London, Sonalle has assisted Magnum photographer, Chris Steele-Perkins, whilst creating many thought-provoking and issue-based assignments that have raised public consciousness


"For dance audiences it [the Blue Elephant] can be an intense experience - especially if you're used to studying abstract geometry from the heights of the upper circle. These are real, powerful, bodies, right in front of you, complete with flesh, discernible faces and flying beads of sweat."
‘Shocking, thought provoking and challenging’