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Past programme

Showcases an eclectic range of fresh and interesting contemporary work, largely by emerging


A real life story of paralysis captured through puppetry and performance.

Tuesday 22 February 2011 - Saturday 12 March 2011

Three shows, three critically-acclaimed offerings: since 2005 Sketty Productions have been using original puppetry to fuel their physical approach in creating emotive drama.

The work produced has been praised as extraordinary, innovative, beautiful and intelligent, and as much dynamic as it is deeply moving.

Taken from the true story of Tom Nabarro and his partner Ellen, this latest piece explores the lives of an inspiring young couple prevailing over apparent tragedy. What has been discovered is a story of astounding determination, unique love, hope...And laughter.

Toby Clarke
Lighting Designer
Joshua Pharo
Alex Clarke (Nominated: Best Actor, The Offies 2011), Amelia De-Felice, Adam Langstaff, Hattie Thomas & Emily Wallis (Nominated: Best Actress, The Offies 2011)


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Radio Interview
Feature on Reprezent radio

Clichéd & Mind The Gap

Dance & Theatre (double-bill)

Tuesday 7 December 2010 - Saturday 18 December 2010


Sebastian Rex Dance Group

Cliché: an overused expression or idea.

What happens when clichés are stripped from their meaning and being given new ones? Can Mendelssohn’s wedding march ever be used for the unhappiest day of your life? Will the Jaws theme tune ever signify anything less frightening or are there plenty more fish in the sea? Following critics’ choice in Time Out, SRDG return to the Blue Elephant with an exploration of the oldest phrases in the books…

Mind The Gap

Acting Like Mad Mind the Gap is a playful exploration in story-telling, channelling into the futility of youth. Four friends go on holiday to London. They sit, talk, sleep with each other and play games in short staccato dialogue, with characters playing other parts in order to tell their stories. We get a glimpse into these young lives - their personalities and childhood traumas - in a quirky and energetic manner. Scenes are short and dynamic. Just like that sentence was. Even more so. Like that. Reviews Review by Vicky Bell from The Public Reviews Review by Olivia Parker from Running In Heels Review by
Lisette Foster
Lighting Designer
Claire Childs
Lisa Bender, Nick Bosanko, Emma Brett, Eleanor Guest, Akiyo Ishihashi, Jean Magnard, Ughetta Pratesi & Tiffany Siede
'Mind the Gap' by
Sebastian Rex (Awarded a Peggy Ramsey Foundation grant in 2010)
Maria Prevelli
Lighting Designer
Claire Childs
Christian Devellerez & Sarah Hall


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Feature on Reprezent radio

The White Devil

Tuesday 9 November 2010 - Saturday 4 December 2010

Following a hugely successful production of The Duchess of Malfi at the Blue Elephant last year, Lazarus returns to John Webster to stage one of the finest and most complex Jacobean tragedies, The White Devil.

Vittoria, wife of Camillo, is consumed in a decadent and dangerous love affair with Duke Bracciano, husband to Isabella. Their intoxicating game of lust and sexual obsession leads to the destruction of the court and their own existence.

This passionate and tragic piece will be played by a large ensemble who - through the use of text, movement and music - create the debauchery and decay of the Italian court. The hunt is on for The White Devil…

Review by Katie Shellard from Running In Heels

Review by Naima Khan from

Review by Georgia Blake from

Press coverage
Interview with director Ricky Dukes

Directed by
Ricky Dukes
Designed by
James Sheppard & Ricky Dukes
Movement by
Ria Whitton & Ricky Dukes
Music and Sound Design by
Sebastian Willan
Lighting Design by
Heather Doole
Costume Design by
Rebecca Mills
Tina Engstrom
Tim Astley, James Billington, Sebastian Canciglia, Elaine Hartley, Jen Holt, Sophie Howard, Nic Lamont, Jonathan Leinmuller, Andrew Leishman, Christopher Mark, Hollie McGovern, Victoria Sye, David Tyrrell, Andrew Venning, Danny Wainwright and Peter Wiedmann


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Feature on Reprezent radio



'You want to kill her because she is not afraid'?

Tuesday 19 October 2010 - Saturday 6 November 2010
Image reproduced by kind permission of
The Mervyn Peake Estate

by Mervyn Peake

In one cave, thousands of years of history are played out. A history marked by conformity and the persecution of anyone who dares to speak out. One family struggles to live their day-to-day lives. Then one day a young girl enters the cave and throws their belief system into question.

This unsettling and powerful play by Mervyn Peake - author of Gormenghast - is a dark, inquisitive look at the nature of authority and its effect on the human condition.

There will be a post-show discussion with the writer's son, Sebastian Peake chaired by writer Neil Norman on Tuesday 26 October.

It has streaks of the angry postwar nihilism of Anouilh and Sartre: the hopeful theme of rejecting fear and social coercion leads only to amoral fragmentation in the last act. But it is extraordinary: a howl, an imperfect and painful philosophical struggle, part of a remarkable artist's testament. Honour to the little theatre." –Libby Purves, The Times

Review by Running In Heels

Review by Marcus Sedgwick

Review by Caroline Jowett from

Review by Paul Vale from The STAGE

Interview by

Londonist Out Loud 2: Aaron Paterson from Londonist on Vimeo.

Aaron Paterson
Talulah Mason
Costume Designer
Nicki Martin-Harper
Lighting Designer
Claire Childs
Sound & Video Designer
Chris Adams
Ewen Moore
Fight Director
Ronin Traynor
Dougie Firth
Sebastian Aguirre, Diane Axford, Nick Hoad, Emily Wallis, Matthew Wade & Guy Warren-Thomas


Tuesday 19 October 2010 - Saturday 6 November 2010

The three artists involved in the exhibition to accompany the play 'The Cave' have spent a number of days watching and making drawings of the rehearsals. They have all responded in ways particular to their own working methods. Collecting images and ideas during rehearsals has been enormously inspiring for all three artists.

Florence Peake has concentrated on 'one to one' contact with the director and cast of the play and produced a set of drawings showing the dynamic nature of the rehearsals. By a mixture of quick observations and more 'worked' drawings she echoes her own practice in choreography and performance.

Lewis Peake, with his experience in film and television, has used a combination of photography and drawings as starting points for his work in the exhibition.

Fabian Peake has used the drawings and watercolours produced during the rehearsals to develop ideas and visual themes in his studio. The work produced displays a linear path which often diverges greatly from the original subject. The initial drawings 'on set' were the basis for a more cerebral interpretation of events encountered in the rehearsals.


Jukai 樹海

"I came to myself in a dark wood, where the true way was wholly lost" Dante

Tuesday 28 September 2010 - Saturday 16 October 2010

At the base of Mount Fuji lies a stretch of forest known locally as 'The Sea of Trees'. Centuries of secrets lie hidden under the mossy earth, where rivers of lava have hardened over to form the cavernous forest floor. Thousands of people who have entered these woods have never been seen again. Some simply got lost. Others went in intending to disappear…

Theatre Témoin collaborates with Taiko drummers to devise a new piece which incorporates half-mask, contemporary theatre and Japanese traditional music to tell a story about straying from the path.

FAQs: "Jukai" @ Blue Elephant Theatre, London []

Featured article: JUKAI Review 28 Sept -16 Oct []

★★★★★Review of Jukai 樹海, by Theatre Temoin []

Review by Amy Yorston [The British Theatre Guide]

Ailin Conant
Lighting Designer
Pablo Fernandez Baz
Costume Designer
Urara Sakurai
Set Designer
Laurence Webb
Dance Choreographer
Bert Roman
Movement Director
Robin Guiver
Fight Choreographer
Ronin Traynor
Devising cast
Nomura Daisuke, Dorie Kinnear, Tomoko Komura, Bradley Wayne Smith & Julia Yevnine
Devising musicians
Ikuyo Conant & Nao Masuda

Mildred Rambaud

Tuesday 28 September 2010 - Saturday 16 October 2010

Lead drawings by Mildred Rambaud


Borough Faces etc.

Tuesday 29 June 2010 - Tuesday 20 July 2010

A member of The Camera Club at Kennington, Philip Ratciff is a local portrait photographer.

Most of the pictures were taken in and around the Borough Market with enthusiastic co-operation of members of Trinity College of Music.


Stairway To Heaven

by Steve Hennessy
Nominated for the Theatre Award: Best Director <Vote Now!>

Tuesday 15 June 2010 - Saturday 10 July 2010
Supported by
the Big Lottery Fund

Cheops’ Pyramid. Egypt. 2,700 B.C.

The biggest, most terrifying and dangerous construction site the world has ever known.

A hundred thousand men will haul two and a half million limestone blocks weighing a total of six million tons up a building the size of a skyscraper using nothing but human muscle.

On his first day working on the pyramid, one young man has to adapt quickly to a new life in a work gang where intense friendships and hatreds are forged in a feverish furnace of desert heat, brutal humour, backbreaking work, horrific accidents, drink, sex and death.

And as the ghosts of dead workmates and visions of Amun Ra the Sun God elbow their way into Makhthon’s dreams, something strange is happening just out of sight, on the higher ledges of the pyramid, where the workers are never allowed.

Where does the stairway really lead?

Steve Hennessy
Chris Loveless
Ann Stiddard
Chris Lince
Omar F. Okai
Renell Shaw
Matt Hall
Michael Brydon
Nicholas Cass-Beggs, James French, James Ronan & Matthew Ward


“Beautifully short at just an hour long, and as far from sex and cynicism in the city that preoccupies most modern plays about men in love, Stairway to Heaven is touching, strange and bravely original”

We see the World through the Prism of our Understanding

Multimedia 2D works, exploring space and the individual experience.
Wednesday 2 June 2010 - Saturday 26 June 2010

An exhibition of work by Jessica Davies.


Spark: London


Monday 7 June 2010 - Friday 11 June 2010

Everyone has a story in them. Extraordinary true stories of life in this fine city told by a specially-selected group of Londoners.


Click to play

A story told by Martin Cullingford


"Britain's first true-storytelling club night"

The Book of Disquiet

by Fernando Pessoa

Thursday 3 June 2010 - Saturday 5 June 2010

Listed as one of The Guardian’s top 100 books of all time, Fernando Pessoa’s The Book of Disquiet was discovered in a trunk in his apartment in Lisbon after his death in 1935. Part novel, part memoir, part philosophical meditation on the futility of living, Pessoa’s Livro defies definition and endures as a testament to modernist writing.

Have you ever thought how invisible we really are to one another?
How little we really know about each other?
We look but do we really see?
We listen but what we hear is our own voice inside.

The Book of Disquiet

Nicholai La Barrie
Mark O'Thomas
Lighting Designer
Pablo Fernandez Baz
Electronic Composer
Jo Thomas
Dougie Firth
Alex Clarke, Charlotte Gallagher, Nicholas Caesar & Polly Lister.


Dance & Theatre (Double-bill)

Tuesday 11 May 2010 - Saturday 29 May 2010

Modern Romance

Sebastian Rex Dance Group

A full-length contemporary dance piece examining gender politics and the effect of the re-definition of identity on our modern interpretations of love and romance. With a soundtrack buzzing with songs from the Noughties.


Acting Like Mad A very short play about commodities. This dark comedy asks a very simple question – if celebrities sell themselves to the public – who owns them?

Writer/ Director/ Choreographer
Sebastian Rex (Awarded a Peggy Ramsey Foundation grant in 2010)
Helena O'Nions
Lighting Designer
Claire Childs
Tina Engström
Lisa Bender, Kate Chisholm, Matthew Crouzières, Lisette Foster, Ido Gonen, Christopher Hall, Jo Sadler-Lovett


“Subtle satire and hilarious script”
“It's handsomely choreographed and there's a sly sense of humour at work here.” TIMEOUT CRITICS' CHOICE


by Lazarus Theatre Company

Tuesday 13 April 2010 - Saturday 8 May 2010

WINNER: 'Best Fringe or Regional Play' Broadway World UK Awards 2010

A sweeping and dramatic production of Shakespeare's classic story of love, betrayal and jealousy - using text, movement and music with an ensemble cast of fourteen.
Directed and Designed by
Ricky Dukes
Design by
Tom Couling
Movement by
Ria Whitton and Ricky Dukes
Music and Sound Design by
Sebastian Willan
Lighting by
Heather Doole
Costume Design by
Nicki Martin-Harper
Production Image by
Liam Welton
Anita Constantine, Sam Donnelly, Carsten Garbode, Nicole Hartley, Robin Holden, Kathryn Levell, Elana Martin, Amelia Newbould, Alec Parkinson, Evan Regueira, Daniel Souter, Guy Warren-Thomas, Zoe Wellman & Leanne Westbury


"A very beautiful and unusual production, and well worth seeing".

More of Venice

Exploring this magical city
Tuesday 13 April 2010 - Saturday 8 May 2010

Photographs of Venice by Tina Engström

Watercolours of Venice by Bianca Marsden