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Charity number: 1077161

Company number: 3724349

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Dance & Theatre (Double-bill)

Tuesday 11 May 2010 - Saturday 29 May 2010

Modern Romance

Sebastian Rex Dance Group

A full-length contemporary dance piece examining gender politics and the effect of the re-definition of identity on our modern interpretations of love and romance. With a soundtrack buzzing with songs from the Noughties.


Acting Like Mad A very short play about commodities. This dark comedy asks a very simple question – if celebrities sell themselves to the public – who owns them?

Writer/ Director/ Choreographer
Sebastian Rex (Awarded a Peggy Ramsey Foundation grant in 2010)
Helena O'Nions
Lighting Designer
Claire Childs
Tina Engström
Lisa Bender, Kate Chisholm, Matthew Crouzières, Lisette Foster, Ido Gonen, Christopher Hall, Jo Sadler-Lovett


“Subtle satire and hilarious script”
“It's handsomely choreographed and there's a sly sense of humour at work here.” TIMEOUT CRITICS' CHOICE