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Charity number: 1077161
Company number: 3724349
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The Giant Who Slept For Ten Thousand Years / The Pony Club at the End of the World

Join us for a morning of puppetry, with two shows for little ones back to back! The Giant Who Slept For Ten Thousand Years (ages 2+) at 10:30am, and The Pony Club at the End of the World (ages 5+) at 11:30am.
These events are free to attend - you can book one or both!
Donations to Blue Elephant Theatre are encouraged, and can be made while booking. Every donation, no matter how small, makes a difference!
The Giant Who Slept For Ten Thousand Years
Sunday 16 October, 10:30am
Suitable for ages 2+
Running time: 30mins
Adapted from a Swedish folk tale, this puppet show for families takes us back in time 10 thousand years to when giants walked the earth and sea trolls lived in the waters. But what happens when humans move into the forests and mountains? A storytelling show about nature, friendship and the places we call home.
Made and performed by Bori Mező
Directed by Amy Rose
Music by Nicolas Lewis
The Pony Club at the End of the World
Sunday 16 October, 11:30am
Suitable for ages 5+
Running Time 30mins
A wacky puppet show about the apocalypse – starting at the village fair. Featuring terror in the trifle tent, vengeful vicars and a portaloo-related emergency. A blend of storytelling, puppetry and clown aimed at anyone with a silly side. Warning: May Contain Showjumping
Made and performed by Edie Edmundson
Music by Guy Hughes
Photo by Mark Morreau
About the artists
We are Edie and Bori, two puppeteers and theatre-makers based in London. Over lockdown, we were inspired by performers bringing their work to the streets and doing shows on doorsteps, in gardens and parks. Forced out of traditional theatre spaces by the Covid pandemic, we returned to the roots of live performance: intimate, accessible to everyone and - most importantly - LIVE.
{Doorstepping (vb): performing a live, portable show on someone's doorstep}
Our new website, The Doorstepper's Map is an online map leading to a directory of doorstep performers - it will be launched this October! To celebrate we are performing our own suitcase shows, 'The Giant Who Slept For Ten Thousand Years' and 'The Pony Club At The End Of The World.' The Map will allow you to book shows like this straight to your doorstep!
Find out more at
Facebook/Instagram - @thedoorsteppersmap
Bori Mezö
Bori is a freelance puppeteer and maker based in London. She regularly puppeteers for the Puppet Theatre Barge and String Theatre. She co-founded Hopeful Monster, a company that creates and tours visual theatre shows in the UK and abroad. She’s recently ventured into creating solo work with a suitcase show about giants. She feels most at home when there are books around so she always carries one or two with her, wherever she goes.
Edie Edmundson
Edie is a puppeteer, writer and theatre maker. She has worked for companies including Shakespeare’s Globe, Edinburgh Royal Lyceum, and the Royal Shakespeare Company. She also makes her own work including cabaret acts about flamingos and a suitcase puppet show about evil ponies. She loves to dance, walk through woods, and eat chocolate - sometimes all at once.