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Charity number: 1077161
Company number: 3724349
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Community Street Party

We are back for another Street Party!
Join us on Saturday 27 August from 12pm to 5pm for a street party on the Wyndham Road side of the Jessie Duffett Hall!
Supported by Southwark Council's Cultural Celebrations Fund, it will be a family-focused day with workshops and performances and be open to all.
Live music, dancing, performances, workshops... It's a day of celebration and a chance to get to know Blue Elephant and its activities better!
12pm: Street Party starts! Come contribute to our craft activities or grab a bite, and learn more about Blue Elephant.
1:15 - 2:45pm: Circus skills workshops and performance, led by Dan Rose
3-3:30pm: Drama games with Pepa Duarte
3:30-4pm: Storytelling performance for little ones - The Earth Machine
4-4:30pm: Live music by Angarhad
Blue Elephant Theatre will be open for bathroom facilities, just a few minutes walk away.