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Charity number: 1077161
Company number: 3724349
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Be Part of our Next Community Play!
Do you want to take your place on Blue Elephant's stage?
We are running a new FREE Intergenerational Community Play Project, starting next week!
Join us to take part in creating your own play and performing it to friends and family at the end of the process. Our sessions will take place on Wednesdays from 7:30 pm to 9:15 pm, starting on the 18th of September and finishing on the 13th of November, with performances on the 15th and 16th of November.
Participants should be local residents (living in Camberwell Green, Walworth, Newington, Faraday or St Giles wards) as this opportunity is funded by Southwark's Neighbourhoods Fund.
This is a great opportunity to meet new people, explore your creative side and have lots of fun!
Sign up here: